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This is Brain Mechanics Digital Media Library - here you can find a variety of digital assets that we would like to share with you, so you could use them in your fundraising efforts, advocacy, and anything else where they could help our common cause!
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-Choose an image which you would like to use, right-click on it and save it to your computer.
-Choose a text snippet you would like to use, select it with a mouse, right-click and copy it to memory
Add to Fundraiser
-Go to your fundraiser page or advocacy resource
-Paste the text snippet into the area where write-up goes, and edit it as you see fit
-Upload the image you have on your computer, to accompany the write-up
-Save results, and you are good to go
Spread the word
-Once you created your fund raiser, you will have a link for it. All it takes is for you to share this link with any social media site or your site. It's quite easy!
-The more active you are at spreading the word, the more people react to your efforts by donating - the higher you stand in the ranks of Brain Mechanics Angels & the more unique perks you will earn.
Alzheimer's Fundraiser Media

Alzheimer's Sample email Image & copy
Help End Alzheimer's In This Generation
Did you know that 1 in 3 seniors dies from Alzheimer's & Dementia?
That's more than Breast Cancer or Prostate Cancer Combined!
With a new person developing the disease every 65 seconds, the immense cost will be felt by most families sooner or later. That could be YOU, your FAMILY, or your FRIENDS.
A solution is needed now.
Brain Mechanics Foundation has a solution, it's called the Alzheimer's Resolution.
The Alzheimer's Resolution is a functional medicine therapy that's produced remarkable results and is engineered to be delivered to anyone, anywhere in the world in order to stop & reverse the cognitive decline & behavioural issues associated with Alzheimer's Disease at scale.
But they need our help to bring it to Life!
Help Brain Mechanics raise $650,000 to complete a well designed, third-party validated, case study enabling them to showcase and refine the profound health impact of this life giving, bio-individualised, Open Source Health Protocol.

Alzheimer's Sample Facebook Image & copy
Did you know that 1 in 3 seniors dies from Alzheimer's & Dementia? That could be YOU, your FAMILY, or your FRIENDS. There is a solution. It's called the Alzheimer's Resolution. Help me raise the funds we need to prove it's profound effects in a well designed, 3 party validated clinical trial. Will You Help? (Enter your shortened fundraising link here)

Alzheimer's Sample Instagram Image & Copy
Did you know that 1 in 3 seniors dies from Alzheimer's & Dementia? That could be YOU, your FAMILY, or your FRIENDS. I am helping raise money for a REAL SOLUTION, Brain Mechanics Alzheimer's Resolution. Will You Help? (Enter your shortened fundraising link here)
Go Canada!

by: Karim Delgado